My personal Angel

My personal angel gets me going,

he kicks my butt when I get lazy.

When I see everything in black colors

he brightens my day by striking the sky with a lightning!

His belief in me is huge,

undeniable, and strong!

So, where is mine?

Is it hiding under the rock,

or it is the rock?

Why I cannot recognize it?

What’s blinding me?

Is it my angel’s light

too strong for my eyes to see?

Please my Angel dim your light a little…

Let me see my own light shining,

let me feel the strength of it,

spreading widely and powerfully

into the world.


With Peace and Love Marzena 🙂

Painting credits Audrey Keenan



My article in a Scene-Chicago Magazine

Go on with the story…

Let go of the troubles

let go of the hurt

let go…

go to the lightness

go to the smile

go on with the story

story full of love

lovingly speak your truth

truth about you

you are the one

one of us

us – the leaders full of life

proclaiming ancient wisdom

with freshness

of the new winds

the winds of a change

changing colors to the rainbow mosaic

build inside your heart.


With Love and Peace Marzena P.

On the line, between:”fake ’til you make it” or “live the truth no matter what”?

Which way is the right way? What do you think? To understand that, first  we have to grasp our creativity concept. Meaning, that when we create something tangible in our world then we create out of nothing…out of idea which first starts in our heart, then goes to our head, then to the hands and there you go! The masterpiece is there looking strait at you! Isn’t that amazing? I get it, I made that too simple just for the sake of the article, but in a reality this process is much more complex (or maybe not, and just we – humans make that more complicated?). So, when we create we actually “fake it” to “make it” isn’t it? Kind of fun when you think about it! 🙂 Same thing is when we create ourselves in our world, before we create ourselves we feel what we want to be, then we think of how to get to that point, and then we trigger some kind of action which will lead us to the wanted expression. For example: if one feels like being an artist the next step is to think of how to attain that, maybe by going to art school. Then, one actually sing up to the right place and takes the lessons, moreover, one has to pretend  and believe that he or she already is an artist by making paintings, drawings and whatever it takes. At that point one already calls himself an artist and at the same time, becomes one! That “faking til you make it” at work!

Now the problem is in the next concept…the truth! When one already created some kind of self image, expressing the own truth in the world. And wants to change some things in the life or maybe even everything. Why not? Then this what made that person to that point has to be erased? Changed? I understand that “fake it til you make it” can be applied here also, but what happens to the past? Does not matter? It does matter, because if not that past then this person will not exist in that exactly form which exist here and now! Therefore, that past has a meaning because it created the ONE! It made this person become this, whats expressed by her/him at that exact moment in their life. It made that person rich and unique inside because of all those past experiences. So, should we erase the past like it was not there; or simply add more new experiences to it and let the past still hover over our lives? The issue is that if we let the past hover over our new creations they will not be exactly new, they still will be created in the old version, but if we cut the old then the new versions of our life can very much flourish!

Can we solve this somehow? Can we eat the cake and still have the cake? Can we stay true to ourselves and still become better selves? Or do we have to “lie” to become better selves? Is it possible to lie and to create goodness from it? Isn’t that when one lies then the truth sooner or latter comes out anyway? Therefore, where is our integrity? Can we live our life without one when we deny ourselves?

OK, I know that I am leaving all of you with more questions then from when I start this article, but I let you with them anyway… ponder it, maybe you’ll come to some conclusion which could be shared here! 🙂

With Love and Peace Marzena P.

Weird, is the new now…

Yes, weird feelings are the new  now! Everything is weird, relationships, work, clothing styles, behaviors of everyone around, including self! How to find the true selves in all of that chaos? Well, it will be hard, but on the other hand also fun, because no routine will reside in it. True, no routine means that we do not know the next step and that creates fear of it. The coping mechanism of afraid people is anger. Don’t we already see so many angry people around killing each other? Yes we do.

Therefore, to help each other we have to address our fears of uknowingness and start to develop new ways of coping with weird things around. So what? that someone is different, so what? if employment is not what it was for our grandparents and parents, so what? that our systems are falling apart? We have to put our chins up and make a smart face to a weird game of our new life by pretending the next step. Isn’t that fun? LOL

Well, I am sorry if you think its not…I was thinking that too! But I realized that fighting the inevitable changes will destroy me sooner than I think!  So I stop fighting it and let myself to be led by the flow of those changes. That way I save myself some energy 🙂 for the things I really love to do in my life. The letting go of the fight takes a lot of effort because we are not use to do that with the steps like: a taking an easy, a loosening up a little, an enjoying little things, a spending more time with loved ones, a simplifying rules around the house, a deciding on being happy for a change…yes we can decide to be happy we do not have to derive that feeling from anything around us, it comes from our decision, from our inside, from our heart! It is that simple!

I know its hard to believe in happiness, positivity, or love when you are on the bottom of your life, when nothing is bright only dark, when everything what you known before falls apart, when you loosing things right and left! I know those feelings, soooo well everybody knows them somehow, but believe me it will get better I am a living proof of that! I am talking from my own experience not from a sky! Therefore, start adjusting to a new weird life and become even weirder, its so worth it!

With Love and Peace Marzena.

Looking for a job…is like a spider net, it takes a lot of effort!

Looking for a job is so frustrating that I am barely holding myself together. My self- confidence is gone! I feel like I am not able to do anything. Like my capabilities vanished into thin air! I am constantly checking my phone for a possible message from an employer…

By the way I graduated with bachelor degree in psychology, so what? Right, so what! Still those expectations from the employers are taken strait from the sky! After reading what they want me to do, I feel like I am not able to proceed with the simplest task. Uff!

And the new way of applying… nothing personal everything online… I feel like a machine myself! True, I am the older generation, but doesn’t that feels better when you actually see the other face and talk to her about self? I think it does. I know you probably will say that eventually you’ll talk to a person or even more than one…But that is the next step the first step is actually taken from me because I do not have chance to choose the employer myself; only they choose me by picking my resume from their data base on the computer.

So, truthfully who is actually putting only the truth on their resumes? I do, maybe that is why I am not the chosen one! LOL So, really isn’t that lame for the employer to base their picks on the lie? (Not everything has to be lie maybe stretched a little) And if we put only the truth on this resume of ours are we all so self-confident, leaders, positive, conscientious, friendly, open minded, respectful…etc. jeez my stomach is turning from all of this! I am sick of this! Just go to any job work there  a little and you will find for sure some people who are not the perfect ones…(I wonder what they put on their resumes?) lol

And I am a life coach and intuitive counselor, I should be the one to bring others up and give them courage, but you know what? I am also a living being, a person, and I do also go through many obstacles in my life! I am a normal human like everyone else around me!

Another thing I was wondering also, how is that possible that I have so much eagerness, love, and power to help others and those capabilities are wasted by waiting for the employer to call me… Unbelievable what this new age thing (computer) did to us! Everything is so computerized now that if the energy will be shot down we are “gone with the wind” with it! (I know we also have some positive sides of it) Yep

Yes, I am using my computer also and many sites where I put myself out there with hope of finding a way to live my life; and you know what? I am also not happy with the outcome, because whenever I got some interesting offer then hidden agenda comes up: pay first then maybe something will show up for you! LOL How nice! So please, write an article, but first pay for a year of subscription or rather its called an advertisement for your business online. So, I have to work on my ideas, write them, and the pay for them too! Or another deal: make your own movies with professional filmmaker, pay for it to be made, work on it, then simply send it to us and we will put it on our sides where others will have to pay also to see those movies of mine…nice, nice…Isn’t that behavior/business called exploitation of others?

With Love and Peace Marzena.


Death she’s my friend…

Death she’s my friend

flows through me like a wind

sometimes smoothly, sometimes not

she takes with her some debris of past mistakes

I am starting to know her much better

I am starting to feel her before she comes

and visits me…

I kind of get used to her presence

yes, at first she doesn’t make me comfortable

she makes me hate everyone and everything,

but she is a wise woman

she knows what has to be done

and she does it, with a passion!

oh what a passion!

she clears everything on her way

very thoroughly!

no better cleaning lady than her.

she is an awesome teacher too

because knowing all that now

I am more welcoming, patient, and peaceful

allowing her job to be done

with no fear, but rather a quiet understanding

that her steps bring only

clarity of a new and profoundly powerful me!


With Love and Peace Marzena








Just see me…

How do you

how do you go about you or me?

You see in others what you want to see in yourself

I am your mirror

of greatness and failure,

of pity and compassion,

profoundness and hollowness…

just see me…

see me real

see me glorious and wondrously amazing!

because I am,

because you are,

because that is the truth

seen only by the loving heart…


With Peace and Love Marzena.

Giving birth to a lion…

giving birth to a lion

makes me roar with fierce

shooting fires from my eyes

almost dying with the spasms

pupils widened

teeth broadly grinned

a miracle concealed

is about to be revealed

meeting everyone’s eye

leaving traces on they’re ears

marking places in the hearts

softly spoken

that is, how it starts.


With Peace and Love  Marzena.

Art done by Edyta Kielian.



Shredded was my heart…

shredded was my heart

into lifeless bunch of leaves

smothered and crunched with frozen wind

passing fiercely into the ground

shoveled with empty words

but then the grayness of the past

turned into the “fifty shades of gray”

telling the other story

smooth unsettled

with different gravity in my eye

shining brightly glaringly

not possible to deny

not possible to undo the future

which is in making

envisioning the truth

from always.


With Love and Peace Marzena P.

Art done by Edyta Kielian.